What Happened to Writing With Personality?!

Chrisa Lepida
3 min readApr 20, 2024

Fellow marketers, copywriters, content creators…and self-proclaimed all these…

Lost in AI writing.

Let’s keep it real for once.

AI vs. ChatGPT. The struggle.

Let’s not forget to be ourselves when we write.

AI has taken over, and as a copywriter myself, I’ll say what everyone else is thinking. “Those who fail to learn or embrace it will be left behind.” Yes, we’ve all heard it before, and it’s not wrong.

But today, I’m not here to talk about AI for business and how beautiful our professional lives have become! I’m here to talk about writing that comes from the heart. Where has this gone?!? So, I’ll brainstorm once again (if you ever read me, that’s how I do it, no structure whatsoever — here, at least).

Read on if you want to—there's no peer pressure here, ha!

I miss the old-school writing — it had a certain charm to it.

The kind of writing where you could feel the author’s personality shining through. Each piece…just hit differently!

Are we all fish in the sea now?

Example: I was just browsing LinkedIn. There’s been so much writing going on there lately; I’m sure you noticed, too.

Disclaimer: I'm not judging (but I kinda do have my judging face on), just commenting on the situation and sharing thoughts as always…

So, yes, everyone’s now a content creator, copywriter, “thought leader,” or whatever you wanna call it, sharing “AI wisdom” in typical — STEREOTYPICAL even — content formats, including the said-once-said-twice-said-a-thousand-times AI-cliches, empower, unleash, unlock, navigate, picture this, to the next level & new heights, in the realm of a— bull — .

What I mean, it seems like everyone is just following a formula, and it’s hard to differentiate between different writers when everything looks and sounds exactly the same. All fish in that AI sea.

Tired of reading you. Where’s your personality?

I don’t wanna “Picture this” if it’s not yours. Gimme the original, gimme your draft notes even, show me there’s a human behind these formulated chunks of text.

Hey, no offence, I’m not talking about the content you deliver to your clients thinking they’re stupid ha — there you do you with ChatGPT as your “dedicated ally”.

But I’m on LinkedIn for business & professional inspiration.

Why all LinkedIn content is now the same?… Frustrating. Everyone’s turning into a conversion bot. Now, what I say is… think, write, and be yourself if you want to call yourself a copywriter, an industry leader, or a human!! You claim to be one, after all.

If you sit down and say hey, I’m dedicating time to writing…then, I know you’ve got in you. We all do. Each word has power and personality. And this power is in our hands. So, why AI when it’s even about personal branding? Mamma Mia Rosalia.

Honestly, I might come across as cynical, and don’t get me wrong once again. I use AI daily, and it’s a life changer, but hey, what I’m trying to say is…let’s not forget the human factor! AT LEAST EDIT!

Ah, and if you wanna make an impact, make it with your own words.

With your ideas. With your thoughts. With your own content structure. Make people think. Make people feel. Inspire. Cause marketing is just about that. You’re writing for the people, people have the pooooower!

Now, with your clients, do what you feel best, but hey, personal branding and social media posting should be just about you. With a little bit of extra fluff—ok, guilty as charged, we all do that, and that’s okay—but keep it human! Not in strictly framed writing AI templates.

Do you even call yourself a writer if you’re literally impersonating a chatbot? They’re coming for you. HA. Food for thought.

A Copywriter’s Agony …

and Fluff Brainstorming.




Chrisa Lepida

Freelance content creator & New Media Master’s graduate with a passion for traveling, psychology, social media & yoga :D